it smells like upsnerch in here…
…what’s upsnerch?
Sustainable, consciously-created art, objects and furniture made with lots of love for your luxurious and thoughtfully-decorated home.
It began in earnest when…
…in 2022, my grandparents sold their land to developers.
Their house was built with old-growth timber, solid oak floors and meticulous masonry.
I had many happy childhood memories there.
The basement was brimming with old hobbies, half-finished projects, parts and tools and things and papers and “junk.”
“Don’t worry,” the developers said, “leave anything you don’t want, the house will be demolished.”
After looking through what was there and setting aside what I wanted, the house was still full.
I contacted friends, acquaintances, local artists, small garden centers, DIYers, resellers and everyone in-between.
The house was emptied, old objects found new lives and friendships were made.
And I began to realize my purpose: recreating objects.

Yardstick Shelf

Stencil Mirror

Mirror Pedestal #1

Mirror Pedestal #2

Mirror Pedestal #3

Research and Development #1