My circular, sustainable process:

These are my considerations from start to finish.

I make small batches of work and 1/1 pieces that are inspired by what I find.

I’m drawn to certain objects for very specific, subtle qualities.

I always use natural materials (no plastic).

I have a love for mass-produced objects that are outdated by technology.

Parts from cars, objects with advertisements, old tools, mechanical assemblys, some toys and tchotchkes and small pieces of furniture are all welcome!


I source and salvage from relatives, thrift stores, estate sales, neighbors and creative reuse centers.

I am located in the Triangle of N.C. and typically source from The Scrap Exchange, Surplus Sids, Restores, Facebook Marketplace and Grannies Panties Estate Sales.

I don’t buy new materials (except things like screws, sandpaper, and drill bits) because everything I need already exists.

Underlying my mission is the fact that consumerism produces things that aren’t better than what we already have, and we have… plenty.


I contemplate an object’s form.

There’s a lot of subconscious work that goes on, where I’m trying to figure out an object’s next purpose in life.

I’m particularly drawn to challenging objects that don’t have an apparent repurpose.


All the scraps from a project become parts for something else.

If I can’t use a scrap, or if I can’t see a certain potential in an object, it goes to the Scrap Exchange.

The affordability of materials at the Scrap Exchange means I can spend $2 on a piece of wood, use half of it and donate it to be resold again.

The diversion of materials from landfills is crucial to our well-being.


Interested in sustainability?